Our commitment

Our commitment

Concrete action

Aware of environmental issues and the impact we have as individuals and as a company, Not for Kids® joins forces with The Ocean Cleanup for cleaning up the oceans plastic waste that threatens our marine ecosystems.

The Ocean Cleanup Association works to reduce the devastating impact of plastic pollution in our oceans by capturing waste through an innovative system: the use of floating barriers equipped with collectors  to attract, concentrate and trap plastic waste. This idea was born in the mind of a young visionary: in 2013, Boyan Slat a teenager at the time, conceived this ocean-cleaning system. We want the story of the Ocean Cleanup's founder to echo as a message of encouragement to socially aware young people, driven by curiosity and a desire to commit. NFK® is for young minds who want to see the world with their own eyes, who aspire to make a positive impact.

Learn more on www.theoceancleanup.com

Follow them : @theoceancleanup

© The Ocean Cleanup

We are also a member of the 1% for the Planet movement, which means we are committed to donating 1% of our turnover to an environmental charity.

The 1% for the Planet collective was created to verify donations to the environment, and amplify their impact.

Find out more www.onepercentfortheplanet.fr

We are proud to share these values with the younger generation.

Join us on this inspiring adventure, where innovation, youth and ecological awareness converge to create meaningful change.

Join us on this inspiring adventure, where innovation, youth and ecological awareness converge to create meaningful change.



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